Corporate Benefits “page not being used”
effects of workplace stress
Stress can manifest itself into physical and emotional problems which impact the employees ability to perform and can have a costly effect to industry through short term absenteeism to long term illness.
In general, stress will impair the employees performance and productivity, creating a negative impact upon other staff and customers. The chronic effect of stress can be far more serious resulting in long term mental health problems.
There are also physical side effects of stress which manifest themselves over the long term. Stress is often held within the body’s muscles causing back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches, eye strain and general ill health. When these effects go untreated they tend to become chronic problems which can severely impact ones ability to work effectively.
cost of workplace stress
Government agencies often try to put figures on the costs stress related illnesses and absenteeism in terms of their impact on industry. These figures, usually running into the £billions, can be quite misleading as it is such a complex area to quantify with any degree of accuracy.
The cost of stress can however be seen and felt in almost every workplace in the form of unmotivated staff, petty politics. All too often, stress in the workplace is carried into other activities outside of work which are damaging to the self and society creating problems within the family and sometimes leading to drug & alcohol abuse.
how can take15 help?
Take 15 can help you to protect your investment in your employees by providing a range of office based therapy solutions. Used on a regular basis as part of an all encompassing employee wellbeing programme, office therapies can provide a feedback and support mechanism for employees.
The immediate effect of therapeutic treatments is a reduction in stress and a sense of wellbeing. A long term programme will help to identify and treat both the physical and mental symptoms of stress. Therapies in the office help to create a culture of care and happiness within the organisation and inducing the conditions for increased employee happiness, increased customer happiness, increased margins, and increased potential for employers to achieve their goals.
a happiness centred culture
We suggest that it is self evident that an organisation with a happiness centred culture is more effective, more productive, and more profitable and hence should be an underlying principle within any ethical organisation.
We aim to create happiness in the workplace by providing opportunities for employees to relax and reconnect with themselves or simply by having fun. A happiness centred culture is one in which all agents involved in the flow of the business are aware of their inter-dependence and make efforts to contribute to the sense of wellbeing of all other agents creating an effective and happy organisation.
happy employees
Happy employees feel that their job is related to their inner flow, their internal ‘raison d’être’. An internal sense of purpose, meaning, belonging, respect and appreciation are often more important than financial rewards. It is perhaps internal factors, rather than external influences which have the greatest effect in an individuals happiness.
Therapeutic treatments in the office have a greater effect on some than others, but they do allow some people to connect with themselves at a deep level creating an overwhelming feeling of inner contentment and wellbeing and can reconnect an employee to their inner sense of purpose.
happy customers
Whether employees deal directly or indirectly with customers, the happiness of the people within the organisation has an effect on the happiness of its customers. Fulfilled employees are likely to make less mistakes and their sense of wellbeing is projected when talking to customers on the phone or in face to face meetings.
Customers are increasing aware of the importance of an organisation’s social responsibility when making purchasing decisions. Happy customers are the life blood of any successful company and ‘service with a smile’ is an acute differentiator. We’re all too well aware of the awful effects of the ‘computer says no’ experience.
happy shareholders/stakeholders
Shareholders and Stakeholders are directly affected by the health and profitability of the organisation in terms of share prices and dividends. Market performance can be directly affected by the overall wellbeing of the organisation as well as the public perception of the organisation in terms of its ethical practices and social responsibility.
happy employers
The happiness culture creates is a feedback loop which helps the employer to balance the demands of shareholders with the needs of employees and customers. Happy employees are easier to manage, happy customers are more willing to buy and happy shareholders will exert less pressure. While this illustration depicts a rather utopian and possibly naive view of industry it is only through creating small ripples of happiness that wider knock on effects will follow…
Why Choose Us
As pioneers in the pampering industry, we know how to make you feel special, please click on Why Choose Us to learn more about Take15.
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Mrs S Harrison
“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large”
Click here for more information on Corporate Social Responsibility